Disabling Script From other Script Please Help!!!

Hello, I am new to Unity and came across a problem with trying to disable a script. I am trying to disable a script that is in the Car game object, but my script is also in the Car game object, I have tried everything that I could find on the internet but it didn’t work, I get the errors, The type or namespace “Script” could not be found, Are you missing a directive or an assembly reference?

How could I fix this?

This is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class Car : MonoBehaviour {
int inCar=0;
int count=0;
float axisX;
float axisY;
float axisZ;
float dist;

public Transform Car1;
public Transform FirstPersonController;
public Rigidbody Car1RigidBody;
public Camera CarCam;
public Camera FirstPersonControllerCam;
public Text CarGetIn;
public Button CarGetInBut;
public Text CarGetOut;
public Button CarGetOutBut;
public AudioListener AudListen;
public AudioListener AudListenFirstPerson;
public N20 n20;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	Car1 = Car1.GetComponent<Transform> ();
	FirstPersonController = FirstPersonController.GetComponent<Transform> ();
	CarCam = CarCam.GetComponent<Camera> ();
	FirstPersonControllerCam = FirstPersonControllerCam.GetComponent<Camera> ();
	CarGetIn = CarGetIn.GetComponent<Text> ();
	CarGetInBut = CarGetInBut.GetComponent<Button> ();
	CarGetOut = CarGetOut.GetComponent<Text> ();
	CarGetOutBut = CarGetOutBut.GetComponent<Button> ();
	Car1RigidBody = Car1RigidBody.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
	AudListen = AudListen.GetComponent<AudioListener> ();
	AudListenFirstPerson = AudListenFirstPerson.GetComponent<AudioListener> ();

	N20 = GetComponent<N20>();

	CarGetIn.enabled = false;
	CarGetInBut.enabled = false;
	CarGetOut.enabled = false;


void Update (){

if (inCar == 0) {
		dist = Vector3.Distance(Car1.position, FirstPersonController.position);
		if (dist < 5.00) {
			CarGetIn.enabled = true;
			CarGetInBut.enabled = true;
			//print ("Test");
		} else {
			CarGetIn.enabled = false;
			CarGetInBut.enabled = false;
		//	Car1.GetComponent<

			//	print ("Test");
		//print (dist);
	//	Car1RigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;
	} else {

public void EnterCar(){

		inCar = 1;
	Car1.gameObject.SetActive (true);
	CarCam.enabled = true;
	FirstPersonController.gameObject.SetActive (false);
	FirstPersonControllerCam.enabled = false;
	CarGetIn.enabled = false;
	CarGetInBut.enabled = false;
	Car1RigidBody.constraints &= ~ RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;


public void LeaveCar() {
	inCar = 0;
	//Car1.SetActive (false);
	CarCam.enabled = false;
	FirstPersonController.gameObject.SetActive (true);
	FirstPersonControllerCam.enabled = true;
	CarGetOut.enabled = false;
	CarGetOutBut.enabled = false;
//	Car1RigidBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;



Of course I have the start function, but I don’t want to make the post too long.

a script should have a name like InventoryScript.cs, and be attached to an object (in this case the same object?) so you just need to

gameObject.GetComponent<InventoryScript>().enabled = false;

you don’t need to define the script itself as a variable.