is there a way to disable the accelerometer?
I set it to zero but noticed a warning (division by zero) later in the code
is there a way to disable the accelerometer?
I set it to zero but noticed a warning (division by zero) later in the code
open AppController.mm
go to line 497
change to _accelerometerIsActive = NO;
Thanks for the help
Why do you need to disable it? If you’re not interested in using it, just don’t read it? :?
Because having it enabled uses CPU time.
What he said
With _accelerometerIsActive = NO; and kAccelerometerFrequency to 0.0 I still get the warning msg (division by zero) which suggests that setting it to NO is not having any effect.
Maybe it is switched on somewhere else ?
I can comment out the line that gives the warning and this works fine but would like to somehow switch it off all together. Also with _accelerometerIsActive = NO; there is no increase in FPS but there is with kAccelerometerFrequency to 0.0
anyone had success with this ?
thanks again
set kAccelerometerFrequency to 1.0
Thanks for the reply.
Have set kAccelerometerFrequency to 1.0 and also set _accelerometerIsActive = NO; to be on the safe side.