Disabling the AudioListener works in Editor but not in Build.

Good evening all.
I have a problem with my android game made with unity right now. I searched a lot in the interwebz and it seems that this is a common problem but never gets answered.

I have a global AudioController (dont destroy on load) that turns on/off the sound (using AudioListener.enabled) whenever I tick the UI Toggle in my options menu.

In editor play mode everything works like I want it to. but when I build the game and play it on my android, the audio is always on. no matter if I check the Toggle and the checkmark disappears, it seems that the audio listener is still enabled.

what could be the problem here?


using UnityEngine;

public class audioController : MonoBehaviour {

    private static audioController audController;
    public AudioListener audioListener;
    public AudioSource audioSource;
    public AudioClip passedSFX;
    public AudioClip failedSFX;

	void Awake () {        

        if (audController == null)
            audController = this;
	void Update () {

    public void TurnSoundOn()
        audioListener.enabled = true;

    public void TurnSoundOff()
        audioListener.enabled = false;

    public void PlayPassedSFX()
        audioSource.clip = passedSFX;

    public void PlayFailedSFX()
        audioSource.clip = failedSFX;


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class optionsMenuController : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject audioManager;
    public Toggle sfxToggle;

    void Awake () {
        audioManager = GameObject.Find("AudioManager");        
        if (audioManager.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled == true)
            sfxToggle.isOn = true;
            sfxToggle.isOn = false;
	void Update () {

    public void OpenMainMenu()

    public void OpenHighscoresMenu()

    public void ToggleSFX()
        if (sfxToggle.isOn == true)
            audioManager.GetComponent<audioController>().TurnSoundOn();       }

thank you for your patience.

Ok so I found a solution for this. “AudioListener.volume” works fine with android:

public void TurnSoundOn()
         AudioListener.volume = 1;
 public void TurnSoundOff()
         AudioListener.volume = 0;

Note that this time I refer to the type AudioListener instead of the Component I’ve referenced as “audioListener”.

If You Want TO Disable AudioListener Make sure That The TimeScale is = 0 ******Time.TimeScale = 0