Our latest Asset Store sale Discounts & Dragons starts today Monday August 10th till August 23rd. Save 50% on fantasy-themed assets, including many that have never been on sale before.
“Conjure enchanted realms and summon stalwart players with Asset Store alchemy. This treasure trove of world-building tools, UX enhancements, Editor add-ons, and fantasy-themed art assets to help make your game legendary – while casting time-saving spells at every stage of your quest. Whether you’re a novitiate or a gamedev wizard, these amulets and talismans will aid your crusade to create a sword and sorcery game for the ages.”
Good day! I’d like to offer a little constructive criticism, as one who is an Asset Store customer on a fairly extensive scale (a couple hundred purchases since 2015) and a publisher on a very small scale. I do intend this constructively, as I think the Asset Store team generally has done a good job of improving the experience in the past couple of years.
Your announcement here is very clear about the ending date of the sale (although it might be useful to indicate the actual time of the cutoff, and what timezone is used to specify that). However, today I received a promotional email urging me to hurry before the sale ends. As far as I can tell, the promotional email about the approaching deadline does not actually state the date and time of the end of the sale.
I also concur with @ in observing that the sale dates are either not posted on the Asset Store home page, or else they are too hard to find. This is at least two of us who are unable to locate this info (and I can state that I specifically looked for it a few days ago).
Obviously, it would be very helpful to include that information in any promotional emails. Thanks for listening!
To echo similar concerns, I generally only find out how long sales last by finding the most recent asset store email that says how many days a wish list item is on sale for. I accidentally deleted that email this time and ended up here, it’d be nice if this was clearer. I understand that sense of urgency is a major influencer in purchases and could explain leaving this information out of promotional materials and the asset store itself, but the last couple sales I’ve ended up not buying sale items that were in my cart because I didn’t know the end date and went to check out (usually) the day after the sale ended, at which point I just save them for later and move on without them.
The asset store runs on a computer, right? So surely there is access to the current date and time, and the ability to provide a countdown of days and hours up at the top of each page. “September Sensation Sale ends in 7 days and 8:32 hours!”
The sales the last few months have been maddening for me. They start and end without notification, and I’ve wound up skipping purchases.
I’m glad I found this thread, because I was looking at the banner saying “Sale ends soon!” and I was wondering just when “soon” was.
I don’t buy things right away, because I try to do all the research I can before purchasing. It can take a while.
I know you guys can fix it, and make it more user-friendly, so I encourage you to do so.
I agree with this 100% it is very stressful to not know when the sale will end.
Sales used to have countdowns, I miss those days.
Is it on purpose so that you can extend the sale without having to worry about updating promo material?
But remember back when the daily sales wouldnt say when they would end, you knew it was sometime every day, and could work out that it was about 3pm or 4pm UK time each day.
Pretty sure it’s random now. Sales used to appear and disappear around the same time on Friday in my timezone. Now I have no idea. Just like Madness Week or Cyber Week showing up if they feel like it that year or not.
The email I received for the current sale (I have some of the sale items on my favourites list) says 17 days for this sale. Starting from 9th September (Sep 9, 05:31 UTC), that makes the last day of the Reboot 2020 sale: