I want to display a 3d picture from my data base in a web browser using the Unity web player plugin.
I read the site documentation, but I didn’t succed in detecting the plugin with IE and Firefox , I used this javascript code :
<script language="javascript1.1" type="text/javascript">
function detectUnityWebPlayer () {
var tInstalled = false;
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1
navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1)
tInstalled = detectUnityWebPlayerActiveX();
else if (navigator.mimeTypes navigator.mimeTypes["application/vnd.unity"])
if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/vnd.unity"].enabledPlugin
navigator.plugins navigator.plugins["Unity Player"])
tInstalled = true;
return tInstalled;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var tIsInstalled = detectUnityWebPlayer();
if (tIsInstalled)
// write the content object and embed tags
document.write("<object classid='clsid:444785F1-DE89-4295-863A-D46C3A781394' \");
document.write(" codebase='http://webplayer.unity3d.com/download_webplayer/UnityWebPlayer.cab#version=2,0,0,0' \n");
document.write(" id='UnityObject' width='600' height='450' > \n");
document.write(" <param name='src' value='MyDataFile.unity3d' /> \n");
document.write(" <embed type='application/vnd.unity' pluginspage='http://www.unity3d.com/unity-web-player-2.x' \n");
document.write(" id='UnityEmbed' width='600' height='450' src='MyDataFile.unity3d' \n");
document.write(" /> \n");
// write out a simple message prompting the user to install the Unity Web Player
document.write("<div align='center'> \n");
document.write(" This content requires the Unity Web Player,");
document.write(" please use the link below to install the player today:
document.write(" <a href='http://www.unity3d.com/unity-web-player-2.x'> \n");
document.write(" Install the Unity Web Player \n");
document.write(" </a> \n");
document.write("</div> \n");
The two script are in the same page.
please, how can I detect this plugin??
Can someone tell me how to display a picture in a web browser using this unity plugin??