Display player image and name using google

I am working on multiplayer game and I want to attach player name and photograph that it attach with it google account.
I have implemented Google Play Games for my game.

So I have doing login with Google but can’t know how to use account detail such as name and photograph?
I know more information related to this. Please give some suggestion in this.

If you using Google Play Games plugin for Unity plugin it allows you to access the Google Play Games API through Unity’s social interface.

void Awake()
       Social.localUser.Authenticate (ProcessAuthentication);
   private void ProcessAuthentication (bool success) 
    	if (success) 
    		UserName  = Social.localUser.userName; // UserName
    		UserID	  = Social.localUser.id; // UserID
            ProfilePic    =Social.localUser.image; // ProfilePic
    		Debug.LogWarning ("Failed to authenticate");

Also assign some texture to “tex” (tex is Texture2D)

void RealTimeMultiplayerListener.OnRoomConnected (bool success)
debug.text = “Connected”;
Participant p = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.GetSelf ();

		MineId.text = p.ParticipantId;
		MineName.text = p.DisplayName;
		StartCoroutine (image(p.Player.AvatarURL));

    	IEnumerator image(string url){
    		using (WWW www = new WWW (url)) {
    			yield return www;
    			www.LoadImageIntoTexture (tex);
    			ImgMine.sprite = Sprite.Create (tex, new Rect (0.0f, 0.0f, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2 (0f, 0f));