Display PlayerPref in InputField

Hi guys, I’m trying to display playerprefs in input fields, but it does not display the playerprefs. I know the playerprefs is fine since I can see it in a console log. But it’s not sending it to the input field. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any advice?

public string playerprefstring;
public InputField textbox;

void Awake () {
 // Find mytextbox
textbox = GameObject.Find("mytextbox").GetComponent<InputField> ();

// Put playerprefs into string
playerprefstring = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerpref1", playerprefvalue);

void Update () {
textbox.text = playerprefstring;

My bad, the code was fine - it was just because i had some non-existing components that GameObject.Find was trying to find.