I’m trying ROS Visualization in my project used ROS-TCP-Connector.
I added the “DefaultVisualizers” prefab to the top of the scene hierarchy according to the URL below.
# Unity Robotics Visualizations Package
The Visualizations Package enables Unity projects to visualize incoming and outgoing information from ROS, such as sensor data, navigation messages, markers, and more. This package provides default configurations for common message types as well as APIs to create custom visualizations.
Get started with the Visualizations Package with our [Nav2-SLAM tutorial](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Robotics-Nav2-SLAM-Example)!
> This package is compatible with ROS 1 and ROS 2, and Unity versions 2020.2+.
**Table of Contents**
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuring a Visualization Suite](#configuring-a-visualization-suite)
- [Priority Setter](#priority-setter)
- [The HUD](#the-hud)
- [Visualization Base Classes](#visualization-base-classes)
- [Using the Inspector](#using-the-inspector)
- [Message Topics](#message-topics)
- [TF Topics and Tracking](#tf-topics-and-tracking)
- [Visualization Settings](#visualization-settings)
- [Joy Messages](#joy-messages)
- [Point Clouds](#point-clouds)
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However, the position of the robot and the display position of the visualizer do not match.(no error message)
How can the positions of the robot and visualizer match?
Also, what information is needed to identify the problem?
I was running “joint_state_publisher” and “robot_state_publisher” from ROS1 and rviz was displaying the tf with no problem.
However, the tf was not loading properly in unity.
I solved the problem by running “ROSTransformTreePublisher” in ROS on the unity side.
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