Displaying Interstitial Ads Correctly ? Please Help.

Hi there I am having trouble in using the official google ads plugin to display some ads on exit of a game mode. Correctly as you see below this script is called when player dies or pauses the game. When this script is activated it requests a ad on start and when exit is clicked it displays a interstitial ad. The trouble with this is the exit button can be clicked so fast before even ad is loaded or requested so no ad is even displayed! How can I load the request on start of a scene so when exit is pressed it already ready to be shown always? Thank you. As the requests seems like takes few seconds…by that time the player is long gone avoided the ad haha

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

/// <summary>
/// Start or quit the game
/// </summary>
public class GameOverScriptP : MonoBehaviour
		private GUISkin skin;
		private BannerView bannerView;
		private InterstitialAd interstitial;

		bool  paused = false;

		void Start ()
				// Load a skin for the buttons
				skin = Resources.Load ("GUISkin") as GUISkin;



		void OnGUI ()
				const int buttonWidth = 170;
				const int buttonHeight = 80;

				// Set the skin to use
				GUI.skin = skin;
				if (
			GUI.Button (
			// Center in X, 1/3 of the height in Y
			new Rect (
			Screen.width / 2 - (buttonWidth / 2),
			(1 * Screen.height / 3) - (buttonHeight / 2),
			) {
						// Reload the level
						Application.LoadLevel ("Pacifism");

						KeepingScorePacifism.Score = 0;

						Time.timeScale = 1;

				if (
			GUI.Button (
			// Center in X, 2/3 of the height in Y
			new Rect (
			Screen.width / 2 - (buttonWidth / 2),
			(2 * Screen.height / 3) - (buttonHeight / 2),
			) {

						// Reload the level
						Application.LoadLevel ("TitleScreen");

						KeepingScorePacifism.Score = 0;

						Time.timeScale = 1;

						ShowInterstitial ();


		private void RequestInterstitial ()
				string adUnitId = "unused";
		string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx";
				#elif UNITY_IPHONE
		string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx";
		string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
				// Create an interstitial.
				interstitial = new InterstitialAd (adUnitId);
				// Register for ad events.
				interstitial.AdLoaded += HandleInterstitialLoaded;
				interstitial.AdFailedToLoad += HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad;
				interstitial.AdOpened += HandleInterstitialOpened;
				interstitial.AdClosing += HandleInterstitialClosing;
				interstitial.AdClosed += HandleInterstitialClosed;
				interstitial.AdLeftApplication += HandleInterstitialLeftApplication;
				// Load an interstitial ad.
				interstitial.LoadAd (createAdRequest ());
		// Returns an ad request with custom ad targeting.
		private AdRequest createAdRequest ()
				return new AdRequest.Builder ()
			.AddTestDevice (AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator)
				.AddTestDevice ("0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF")
				.AddKeyword ("game")
				.SetGender (Gender.Male)
				.SetBirthday (new DateTime (1985, 1, 1))
				.TagForChildDirectedTreatment (false)
				.AddExtra ("color_bg", "9B30FF")
				.Build ();
		private void ShowInterstitial ()
				if (interstitial.IsLoaded ()) {
						interstitial.Show ();
				} else {
						print ("Interstitial is not ready yet.");
	#region Banner callback handlers
		public void HandleAdLoaded (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleAdLoaded event received.");
		public void HandleAdFailedToLoad (object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)
				print ("HandleFailedToReceiveAd event received with message: " + args.Message);
		public void HandleAdOpened (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleAdOpened event received");
		void HandleAdClosing (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleAdClosing event received");
		public void HandleAdClosed (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleAdClosed event received");
		public void HandleAdLeftApplication (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleAdLeftApplication event received");
	#region Interstitial callback handlers
		public void HandleInterstitialLoaded (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialLoaded event received.");
		public void HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad (object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad event received with message: " + args.Message);
		public void HandleInterstitialOpened (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialOpened event received");
		void HandleInterstitialClosing (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialClosing event received");
		public void HandleInterstitialClosed (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialClosed event received");
		public void HandleInterstitialLeftApplication (object sender, EventArgs args)
				print ("HandleInterstitialLeftApplication event received");

First of all, when you reload the level the code after that is not executed. (see your code)

What I do handling ads, is to create a adController script which has dontdestroyonload in it. Whenever i precache the ad - it stays in the memory even if i change level. I start caching the new add as soon as the app starts, and than assuming that player cannot get to actually play the game and finish it or die in less than few secs you should be fine.

Next thing I do is when I got to result screen and actually have add to show (interstitial.IsLoaded ()) I block all the buttons and display the add using a global boolean lets say canUserClickButtons.

Than when the interstitial.AdClosed event fires I set the flag back to true so user can proceed. This event will be fired when you click back button on android or close the add clicking on cross button. Have in mind that admob interstitial is not closing upon clicking, so when you go back to your game after clicking it’s still visible, hence for simple implementation it’s the only event to handle.

Another thing is that once the ad is showed you should pre-cache the new one (also destoying the previous one upon closing, it has a destroy method available). And finally to increase the chance, that any add will be shown I normally implement two different networks i.e chartboost and admob.

hope it helps