Displaying variable on UI text every frame (JS)

Hi all,

I simply want to have a counter for a variable which increases each frame.

I can’t figure out why this code won’t work: (JS)

 var oofcounter : UnityEngine.UI.Text;
 function Update () {
 oofcounter.text = "OOFs: " + oofs.ToString();

“oofs” is the variable that changes every frame.

“oofcounter” is the name of the UI text as a game object.

You didn’t really tell us what you mean by “won’t work”… [Do you get an error? Is the text not changing? Is the text not showing up?] but here are some possible fixes:

Make sure you have this line in the top of your code:

import UnityEngine.UI;

You also don’t need to write UnityEngine.UI.Text, just use the type “Text”:

var oofcounter : Text;

Don’t forget to drag the GameObject “oofcounter” into the slot of the variable “oofcounter” in the inspector, as well. You have to reference it.