Distance an object has travelled over a certain time?

Hi, i have a physics game, and in order for the loseGame condition to work, I need to detect if a game object has moved less than a specified distance over a specified time. can anybody point me in the right direction?


ie: check how far the object has travelled in the last ‘x’ seconds, if it is less than ‘y’ units, do something.

I cant think of a straight forward way of doing this.

First you will want to work out the distance since the last update. So something like:

var distance: float=0;

function Update()
distance += Vector3.Distance(object.position, previousPosition);

Now what not clear to me is whether you wanting the player to have moved a total amount of time since he started or he has moved a at least x amount distance in the last y seconds.

If its the former then the above gives you everything you want. If its the later then you going to need something more elaberate.

You will need to sample a distance in time and work out what the distance is for the last number of samples.

So maybe something like:

	var object: GameObject;
	var NumberOfSamples: int=10;
	var distances: float[];
	var lastSampleSlot: int=0;
	var previousPosition: Vector3;
	function Start()
		distances=new float[NumberOfSamples];
	function Update()
		var currentSampleSlot: int = Time.time % NumberOfSamples;
		if( currentSampleSlot != lastSampleSlot)
		     distances[ currentSampleSlot] =0;
		distances[ currentSampleSlot ] += Vector3.Distance(object.transform.position, previousPosition);
		// sum all the values in the distances array to work out the distance in the last x samples secs.
		var TotalSampleDistance: float =0;
		for (var value: float in distances) 
			TotalSampleDistance += value;

For any given second, it works how far you have travelled in that second. It records that in the array. Everytime you move into a new slot, you clear out whatever was in there before.