Divide screen in half for two buttons

Is there anyway to make the below code work for a mouse click instead of a touch?
I have tried all sorts of things however i keep getting errors in my code.

if (Input.touchCount > 0)
             Touch touch = Input.GetTouch (0);
             if (touch.position.x < Screen.width/2)
                 //Move Player Left
             else if (touch.position.x > Screen.width/2)
                 //Move Player Right
             //Do nothing for now

Any help would be much appreciated.
Still a newbie :slight_smile:

I changed your code to mouse clicks

			if (Input.mousePosition.x < Screen.width/2)
				//Move Player Left
			else if (Input.mousePosition.x > Screen.width/2)
				//Move Player Right
		else {
			//Do nothing for now

If you want to detect right mouse button clicked instead of the left one, just change GetMouseButtonDown(0) to GetMouseButtonDown(1).