∞∞∞∞∞∞ DIZZY JUMP [Android] [FREE] ∞∞∞∞∞∞

Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.WizardCube.DizzyJump

Dizzy Jump is the world’s most frantic arcade game. You’ve never seen anything like it!

:heavy_check_mark:Simple yet addicting gameplay
:heavy_check_mark:Original retro soundtrack
:heavy_check_mark:Classic pixel art

How to play Dizzy Jump <
Tap to jump over the aliens!


Gameplay video:

Hey man, just installed your game and gave it a try. I really liked it. Nice and simple and very clean looking. I liked whole spinning camera thing, it really makes the game harder than I thought it would be.

Is the spinning effect just created by spinning the camera?

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Thanks man! Yes it’s just the camera spinning. Originally I wrote a script to align the character to the normal of a sphere, but then thought why use up all those resources on mobile, plus it would be too much like Mario Galaxy haha.

Cool thanks, might use that game mechanic for something myself.

Haha awesome. If it’s a success be sure to mention poor old Dizzy Jump hahaha.