[DKII] Artefatcs and strange shadows + performance issue in editor + 5.1.1p1 errors


working at my project there appear two problems after “supporting virtual reality” in player settings:

  • [SOLVED] Heavy performance drops when navigating through the scene with RMB (by “flying”). No other performance problems, neither when playing the scene.

  • [SOLVED] When the camera is child of another GameObject, it renders with a far higher FOV than expected. Addtionally there appear strange shadows and artefacts depending on the camera transformation (head position), sometimes it even jumps to another position due moving the head / HMD:

    Please have a look at the image that shows my scene tree: 2175476--144066--unity1.PNG When I move the main camera Item beside the player GameObject in the hierarchy (without changing it’s worldspace position at all) everything seems to be fine (though it’s still child of “room”). The camera is positioned inside the head but head is outlayered using Culling Mask. I need the camera to be child of at least “player” so that I can handle the movement (as recomended in the unity documentation).

Again, all those things only happen after enabling VR support.

I’m affected by the submitLayer bug of the Oculus DKII happening with runtime version 0.6 described here:

But the workaround according to this thread works for me, so I can start the Unity Integration in extended mode (as it is actually recommended again). I think it’s not very plausible that those problems corelate with the things desribed above.

Tested the scenario with Unity 5.1.0f3 and 5.1.1p1 under windows 8.1 64 bit with a nVidia GeForce gt 610 (feel the power :smile:)

Annother issue with 5.1.1p1:
I don’t get a view on my HMD when playaing the scene but the following error every frame:

OVRTime: 854243.734631
Time: 2015-06-25 14:00:24 [346:691:400]
Code: -1003 – ovrError_Timeout
System error: -2005270527 (887a0001) – [GERMAN]Von der Anwendung wurde ein ungültiger Aufruf ausgeführt. Entweder waren die Parameter des Aufrufs oder der Status einiger Objekte falsch.
Aktivieren Sie die D3D-Debugschicht, um Details mithilfe der Debugmeldungen anzuzeigen.[/GERMAN]

Description: Fence ReleaseSync

Further researches on that error saying:
The application provided invalid parameter data; this must be debugged and fixed before the application is released.

Do you have any scale on one of the parent objects?

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Thank you, LennartJohansen, in fact my player is made of scaled primitives for mocking reasons right now. I rearranged it a little bit and voilá, the artefacts and distortions disapeared, leaving the remaining issues.

Do you have the code you use in Update() for your mouse navigation? Anything there that could do it. Writing to a system log? Some kind of exception raised?

There is no self scripted behaviour, yet. No exceptions and no further known logs (except from the Oculus driver / server).
Tested with 5.1.1f1 right now, but I still get the OVR errors. Could be a general problem with my HMD setup atm, since other demos don’t run anymore, too. Trying some restarts now :roll_eyes:

OK, the other stuff (i.e. Oculus World Demo) is working again. So does’nt Unity. OVR Errors consist since I updated to 5.1.1.x :confused:

Trying to downgrade to 5.1.0.x tomorrow.
Thanks for your help and investigation, anyway.


Fixed this -1003 now, not by downgrading but by creating a new project and importing the assets from the old one.
But I’m still experiencing a randomly “jumping” head position, when wearing the HMD. Could be related to head tracking issues. And still navigating through the scene with RMB is annoyingly laggy. Any suggestions?

The performance issues are gone by updating to 5.1.2p3
What’s still left are problems with head-tracking (head jumps around in space by up to 3-5 units randomly).

1003 - Timeouts occurred a few times again, I was able to solve them by being tenacious with restarting the application as well as the HMD.