Dll not found error


I am trying to use FFTW dll for C# but i get the error:

DllNotFoundException: libfftw3-3.dll

The dll is in Assets > Plugins


I used this repository: GitHub - tszalay/FFTWSharp: C# wrapper for FFTW

And followed this tutorial:

I made this script trying to use it, but i get the error so it won’t run:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using FFTWSharp;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField,Range(0,10)] private int _size;

        [SerializeField] private float[] data;
        [SerializeField] private float[] result;

        void Awake()
            result = Ifft(data);

        private static float[] Ifft(float[] data)
            // Get the length of the array
            int n = data.Length;
            /* Allocate an unmanaged memory block for the input and output data.
             * (The input and output are of the same length in this case,
             * so we can use just one memory block.) */
            IntPtr ptr = fftw.malloc(n * sizeof(double));
            // Pass the managed input data to the unmanaged memory block
            Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, n);
            // Plan the IFFT and execute it (n/2 because
            // complex numbers are stored as pairs of doubles)
            IntPtr plan = fftw.dft_1d(n / 2, ptr, ptr, fftw_direction.Backward, fftw_flags.Estimate);
            // Create an array to store the output values
            float[] ifft = new float[n];
            // Pass the unmanaged output data to the managed array
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, ifft, 0, n);
            // Do some cleaning
            // Scale the output values
            for (int i = 0, nh = n / 2; i < n; i++) ifft[i] /= nh;
            // Return the IFFT output
            return ifft;

What have i done wrong here?

are you getting the error in Unity, or Visual Studio?

I fixed the error, i had a 32 bit dll instead ot the 64 bit version. But since fixing that - now unity immediately crashes to desktop when i press play every time i run my script.

I checked editor logs and it does not show any errors relating to my dll so i am a bit stuck on why that might be happening.

You should be able to import both 32-bit and 64-bit. Then mark each one in the inspector accordingly.

Try changing your compile settings in player settings under configuration. That may help if it is a compatibility issue.

Thats not the issue at the moment. At the moment it just crashes to desktop when i press play. And i have no idea how to debug it.

How do you know it is not a comparability issue, have you done any testing to check/confirm this?

You can use visual studio to debug. If you add a break-point when the script first starts getting called, then use visual studio to start the game. You can step down until something causes the crash.

I don’t know - am new to using DLLs for unity that are not written in C#. But step through does nothing since unity crashes and VS will lock up if i use breakpoints. If i don’t run the script that uses the DLL then unity runs fine.

Can you upload a slim version of your project. I can open it up and take a look for you.