DllNotFoundException: libovravatar OvrAvatarSDKManager.OnDestroy


I keep getting this error:
DllNotFoundException: libovravatar
OvrAvatarSDKManager.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatarSDKManager.cs:121)

Here is the method OnDestroy(), Line 121 is “CAPI.ovrAvatar_RegisterLoggingCallback(null);”

void OnDestroy()

I haven’t made any changes to this file and just imported the Oculus Integration package from the asset manager.

I got the same exact issue. Did you manage to fix it?

Hey there, can you file a bug so the team can take a look? Thanks!

Nice day.
I facing this issue too. I using MacOS.
Still dont know how to resolve this problem :frowning:

Hi @JVLVince , can you file a bug so the team can take a look? Feel free to share your case # once the bug is filed so I can make sure we’re properly tracking. Thanks!

Hi @mfuad I already file a bug. Case 1301054.
Hope this help for fixing that bug…

Thanks @JVLVince , I see it in our backlog. Please expect some time for us to catch up from the holidays.

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any update on this issue?

Yes, our team investigated the bug report and determined this issue is occurring within the Oculus Integration package and we cannot resolve this through a Unity code change. We’ve shared this issue with the Oculus team. You may also want to share on their developer forums for additional visibility.

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This use to work just fine for me. Now I am getting that error also

the link throwing page not found. Is there any update on this. I have posted in the oculus forums as well.

I have the same problem, Unity on OSX:

DllNotFoundException: libovravatar
OvrAvatarSDKManager.Initialize () (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatarSDKManager.cs:102)
OvrAvatarSDKManager.get_Instance () (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatarSDKManager.cs:75)
OvrAvatar.Start () (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatar.cs:550)


just ran into this issue with latest oculus integration package …

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Having this issue… Unity6, Meta SDK 71.

I also noticed that Meta XR doesnt include libovrgpuskinning for MacOS…