When trying to execute AsyncInitialize for the oculus standalone platform I get the following exception:
DllNotFoundException: ovrplatform
Oculus.Platform.StandalonePlatform.AsyncInitialize (System.UInt64 appID, System.String accessToken) (at Assets/Oculus/Platform/Scripts/StandalonePlatform.cs:39)
Oculus.Platform.StandalonePlatform.InitializeInEditor () (at Assets/Oculus/Platform/Scripts/StandalonePlatform.cs:34)
Oculus.Platform.Core.AsyncInitialize (System.String appId) (at Assets/Oculus/Platform/Scripts/Platform.cs:69)
I am using MacOS M1 Max 12.6, Unity 2020.3.26f1. The oculus integration package is imported and the same code runs on Windows 11.
Additionally I am unable to set the AudioSpatializer in the audio settings in the editor. The only option that shows up is None. It also results in a DllNotFoundException, this time for the AudioSpatializerPlugin.
I have reimported and redownloaded the plugin from both the oculus website and unity package manager but neither seemed to help.
What makes it even more confusing is that once I delete the Oculus folder I am able to set the AudioSpatializer. But it goes back to None once I reimport the package.
The AudioSpatializer issue is the lesser of the two evils as it doesn’t seem to impact the development as much, but the ovrplatform missing prevents me from being able to authenticate the user.
Any help would be welcome!