Do all the quaternion functions normalize?

Only two of the quaternion functions mention that the result is normalized (Lerp & LerpUnclamped) just wondering if the other ones normalize and will this be a potential problem?
Is the reason that the normalized equivalent wouldn’t be as precise so they do not normalize the result?
Thanks for any responses in advance.

Everything has to be normalized before it can be applied to a transform. So at some point you will see it normalized. I have no idea when that happens, and it probably doesn’t matter much except in rare edge cases.

Some methods like Slerp yield a normalized quarternion anyway, so its not specifically mentioned. In fact looking through the list Lerp is pretty much the only one that would naturally produce a non normalized result. The only other way you can end up with a non normalized quaternion is if you set the component values directly.

Quaternion.eulerAngles conversion requires normalizing the quaternion first. It won’t check it, and will throw a hard exception if if it ever happens. Just a heads up. It’s almost impossible for this to occur but it can, for example pausing, or interruption by system process (our case, alt tabbing or pausing before unity starts and stepping through).

So to answer the op rather late - no, they don’t, as of version 2017.1