Do Android Vitals Slow rendering statistics show on your Developer Console?


I’d like to know as a non Unity user (I use libGDX) if in your Google Developer Console you see the Slow Rendering section being populated for your Unity games. According to Google documentation for Unity, Unreal or direct OpenGL apps the Slow render statistics are not available (Slow rendering  |  App quality  |  Android Developers).

The reason I’m asking is that even if libGDX uses OpenGL under the hood, if the app integrates any 3rd party code that uses native Android UI Toolkit APIs, these statistics are being reported. The problem with that is that ad networks for instance tend to be quite heavy when displaying playable or video ads causing rendering times to spike. And that is a problem because Google has recently added Performance info (including Slow Rendering) as a factor in the Search algorithms according to several sources (App Quality is now a ranking factor for Google Play App Store Optimization).

Would be great if you have games that implement ads (or any other UI 3rd party library) and could share this info :slight_smile:


I am under the same impression as you, that it must be the Ad Networks, since Unity uses Open GL.

Thanks a lot for sharing.

If Unity apps are also affected and the theory about ads is correct this affects most Google Play games. I hope Google is aware and is not using it as a factor in search rankings.

I feel it’d be unfair to punish games that run smoothly at 60fps on low end devices just because of some laggy video/playable ads.

does any one have lead in this problem? I am still facing slow frames rendering…? is there any solution in unity?