I don’t know if its just me or not but for the past few months I have been caring less and less about the storylines in video games. And this is coming from someone who loves good storylines and plots that really engage people and immerse them in the game world.
But I don’t know, lately I feel like I could care less about the storylines presented in games.I just want to play the actual game. I could care less about the main characters background story or how he/she/it got to where they are in the game and why they are doing whatever it is that their doing in the game. I just want to play,explore through the game world and see what stuff I can interact with.
So I’m just wondering, how big of a deal is the games storyline to you? Again, to me it tends to be a big deal and I love a great storyline but I just don’t care as much as I use to anymore. Maybe its because I have played to many games with good storylines or maybe I just know what to expect from a games storyline these days and just need to wait for something more original to get me back into it.
I have played a lot of games recently but none really had an engaging storyline. The last game I played that had the most original and engaging storyline plot was Deadly Premonition aka Red Seeds Profile and that was what around the beginning of 2010 I believe?
I think this might just be a phase I am going through where I don’t care to much about storylines. But Idk, lately I just feel bored with game storylines.
But you know, these days I think gamers in general don’t even care about game storylines anymore. Games are always being developed so rapidly now and there are fantastic game releases daily (it feels like everyday the next big thing comes out now) and people are just forgetful. They jump from one game to another really quickly and forget the previous game they played in a snap. One day the latest trending game is swaped out with a different new big hit and the game already feels years old even though it was only released a month or so ago.
So even for my next game project that I am planning, I don’t even plan on focusing to much on the storyline. Sure I will have some short simple storyline or background but I want to focus more on gameplay and more fun and less on plot with my next project.
I feel like the storyline is a crucial part of the game and it could either bore the player with in the first couple minuets of the game or really engage them if done right. Personally, I like to just get into a game right away and start. I have been playing The legend of Zelda A Link Between worlds recently and I love the approach they took with this zelda game compared to others. Very minimal dialog and cutscenes and the game just pretty much starts you off playing right away instead of going through all this chunky backstory about the princess and the land and the triforce and the evil and so on. Just, “hey something went wrong, take this sword and go” bam the game starts.
Ok, well that was my little (I guess long) opinion on how I feel about storylines in games these days. What about you guys? do you still care about engaging storylines or do you want to just play the game? do you feel like a good storyline is necessary for your own personal game projects? (Personally for mine I don’t)
Lets hear it.