Do I HAVE TO upgrade to Unity 5?

Hi. I have a working Project in Unity 4 which necessities a Pro license.
The license has expired so I was going to renew BUT I am taken to Unity 5 website.
I tried Unity 5 but my Project requires some amendments on it before it will work :frowning:
I am an Educator and simply wish to use the Project as is until we are ready for our next project which will be using Unity 5.
How can I renew my Unity 4 pro license please?

pro licences dont expire as far as im aware…

Afaik if you get a 5 license you automatically have all pre 5 licenses of that kind.

I am an Educator so the one I purchased is a ONE YEAR license. Yep… it has expired :frowning:

You mean buy the Unity 5 Pro license? Can UNITY please confirm :slight_smile:

It’s always been the case that if you buy a Unity [insert version here] Pro license, it works with all the pre-[insert version here] versions. So yes you do have to buy Unity 5 (Unity 4 hasn’t been sold for a long time), but no you don’t have to use it.


They have.

Yes, even the 1 Year educational licenses are backwards compatible. Once you have the license you can download past versions from here

If you have any more questions about licensing, you can get in touch with your local account manager Unity Customer Service: Technical Support & Training | Unity

Thank you for the information.