Do I made right organization of the hierarchy?

I have finally done gallery scene for Unity tutorial Essential. Did I make right organization of hierarchy of the objects? For an example, maybe better to move player object off from the Gallery root object? Where can I read about coherent ways of scene organization?

Generally scenes are organized to facilitate correct game function first, then secondarily to make sense to you as the developer.

I think I make player object as child object of the gallery. It is not mean I want to make this project ‘perfect’, I just want to learn good practice before I going to start my 2D junk project to achieve some money.

Mr. Dekker, can you explain what is mean ‘correct game function first’?

If you have item A,B,C that all constitute a THING, organize your scene such that they are related, together, parented most likely, or perhaps connected in another way if parenting is not appropriate.

If you have an item Q that doesn’t have to be in the hands of the player, don’t put it in the players hands. I know this sounds silly and simple, but so many people organize their scenes in incomprehensibly weird and convoluted ways, then wonder why they get weird bugs.

Keep simple stuff simple, remember that it is most likely YOU that will have to go sifting through everything when it misbehaves.

ALSO, do not scale or rotate anything except the leaf nodes, eg, nodes that have no children. If you start introducing crazy scales and rotations and then parenting more crazy scales and rotations, you will soon make a complete mess of your project.

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