Do I need new animation or is there other solution? (2d animation)

Hi everyone,
I’ve a 2D character which can take cover and stand in a fixed position. when player starts touching the screen standing animation will play, and when the touch goes to Ended phase, taking cover animation will play. each animation has a 1.5 seconds duration.
now every thing is ok and works fine but let’s say standing animation just begin to play and 10 percent of it has passed then player decides to cancel standing! in this situation playing taking cover animation won’t look ok because it will cause a stand snapping to character!
so what can I do to solve this? should I make new animation for taking cover while standing animation is running or is there another solution like Blend Trees maybe or something else?
I’ve the same problem with getting damage while standing or taking cover animation is running! I feel like making an animation for this kind of states won’t look ok every time bc player might decide to sit at anytime when standing animation is running so the problem mentioned earlier would still happen sometimes. btw I’m using animation rigging.

The Interruption Source property on the animation transition can help blend the Idle → Stand transition to the Stand → Idle transition smoothly: ‘Wait, I’ve changed my mind’ – State Machine Transition interruptions.

Not sure about 2D, but if you’re doing the animation rigging where there’s bones, then animating hit reactions as additive animations that sit on another layer and play “over” the Idle/Stand layer will help them blend on top of the transitional animations as well. (I haven’t done much with the 2D bones stuff, so I’m not 100% sure on this, but that’s how it works with 3D)

In the animator, try clicking on both the arrows going to, and from the standing state and set the “Transition duration” to 0. I hope that helps.

interruption source is for mid transition and that’s ok, and i’m asking whether to create another animation for the best blending between standing and sitting or vise versa, or do other stuff. i’ll check for additive animations you explained.

i’ve uploaded anim controller. it’s already 0.

fixed the problem in standing and sitting with creating 2 transition for these 2 states and playing around with transition offset and transition duration.