Do I need to renew my license every week?

No matter what I do in Unity Hub (activate new license, manual activation, return license, check for updates) the license only extends for one week, is it normal? Thanks!

Hi @hkdtmer , thank you for your question. The Unity Personal license is renewed weekly.

Why my personal license extents for only one day each time I renew it? I checked “I don’t use Unity in a professional capacity.” since I’m still a learner.

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@Solidcomer did you ever find what did this. Observing the same right now.

I wonder what the rationale behind a weekly renewable license might be. Sure is a nag from my perspective. Now, when it turns to a daily license… ugh.


maybe the idea is to annoy the personal license users every day, so some will give up and simply buy the license :wink:


But why I need to renew my personal license EVERYDAY?!!


I need to renew my personal license everyday too!!!


To be honest, this is rather infuriating.

Weekly renewal is already quite annoying.

Seriously, everyday?

I would hope to have the renewal to be at least monthly.


Hi every one,

What are the StartDate, UpdateDate and InitialActivationDate in your latest license file?

Please the path of your license file in this link:

So do I, renew the license everyday:roll_eyes:

same here

I need renew license every day = =#

Same here!

Same here

Hi all! We’ll look into it. In the mean time, is anyone here using the Chinese Unity Hub?

I’ve used Chinese Unity Hub before, but now I switch to Global Unity Hub.

There are the reasons I stop using Chinese Unity Hub:

  1. Can not install global Unity Editor(Can only install Chinese Unity Editor).
  2. Unreasonable UI layout(“Community” on the top rather than “Project”, but I never use “Community”).
  3. Large-area advertising.
  4. Boring license activating strategy.

@SolarianZ did switching to global Hub solve your license renewal issue?

No. I think it is not a bug, but a strategy!
When I am using professional license, Unity Hub never bother me, and when I am using personal license, Unity Hub always tell me to renew my license.

You’re right. The Chinese version of Unity Hub is developed by a different team from the ROW product and has different terms of use. This said, I’m surprised to hear that even after switching to the ROW Hub, you’re still expected to constantly renew your license.

I also have my personal license expires every two days. Is that normal?