I have a 4k material that I set to LOD0 but should I create a new material with 2k and 1k for the other LODs or does unity do this for me? Drag 4k to all LODs? I have read that its not good to have to many materials. Can I name the materials car_4k, car_2k… or is this not good if for Draw call batching when combining materials. I’am using using unity 2019 with hdrp if that matters.
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If all of the LODs can use the same texture, don’t duplicate them at different resolutions. Unless you’ve disabled it, any texture that is imported will be using mip maps, which is already used to LOD textures in the distance even if the geometry doesn’t change. If you use Texture Streaming Unity will automatically load only the mip maps needed. The only time you should use different textures is if the different LODs require different textures, which is most common if you’re using hierarchical LOD. That is to say you don’t always swap one mesh from a higher detail model to a lower detail model, but rather sometimes multiple higher detail models to a single merged low detail model.
Perfect! Thank you