Direct me to the right place to ask this question if it is inappropriate, but I’ve noticed UnityAnswers members are blessed with remarkable programming skills. Do you people ever work together and build games together as an online community thing? I mean who needs to go to the office anymore, everyone owns an awesome computer now a days. Anyways the ideas and scripts that come outta this place would make one hell of a game collectively. Is there a place or form where everyone debates and agrees on what game they will all design and build, and then assign what each person has to work on for the project?
I mean, just a few hours of everyones time here collectively would reveal something insane in a relatively fast pace. UnityAnswers is like the size of a game company x10000,tons of clever people here, lets not forget the 3d artist that hang out here as well, there is no shortage on people. But I sometimes feel everyone is working alone generally. Anyways, thoughts? direction?, ideas?
I’d say the “right place” that I’d direct you to is the dedicated collaboration forum: