Do Remote Config initialization APIs support a proxy software?


I made a game which used Remote Config this month.
But a user sent me a bug report that my game did not connect the Internet.
I investigated the issue, and I finally found Utilities.CheckForInternetConnection returns False.

The user said Windows Defender Firewall allows my game to connect.
The user uses a proxy software Clash.
So I think that Utilities.CheckForInternetConnection and remote config initialization APIs are blocked basically.

Do Remote Config initialization APIs support a proxy software?
If support, I want to know how to configure


As with any Proxy it largely depends on the user setting up services to either bypass the proxy (better in this case) or allowing it to pass through just like with a firewall / port forwarding. The user needs to set this up. You can only provide the necessary info, ie which ports, what protocol and possibly limited to an IP or domain. I would expect this info to be in the Relay docs.

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Thanks, I understood the background of proxy!