Do you have framerate issues with the simplest of scenes?

I just got my HL, and updated to the latest build, am running Unity 5.4B18 but I am having serious framerate issues on the smallest of scenes.

In this example, I created a scene with a FPS rigid body controller, terrain and cube, that’s it.

In Unity when I run it, I get ~1000 fps. When I deploy it to the Hololens (master/x86) either as D3D or XAML, as soon as Unity starts up, it immediately goes down to 30fps from 60 and when I bring the cube into my view, it goes down to 20.

A video of what I’m describing!277079&authkey=!AJgq78ZoQU13e1I&ithint=video,mp4

This is only my 2nd project in Unity, so I’m hoping there’s something really dumb that I’m missing. Graphics settings are on Fastest.

Any thoughts?

Are you running in debug config? Did you try looking at the framerate without capturing video? AFAIK, the device throttles to 30 fps if you’re doing mixed reality capture.

I have already provided answers to your questions in my original post

Master/x86 - Not debug (additional clarification - no debugging options in unity are checked)
I am well aware of 30fps in video - but that’s not what I’m describing, and is explained in the video.

Here’s the Unity Project:!277080&authkey=!AExcM_jyftzQeaI&ithint=file,zip


I looked at your project at it seems the way you have the Main Camera set up s causing the issue. I removed the Main camera from RigidBodyFPSController and the frame rate went back up to 60 fps. My guess is something you are doing with physics or the Camera stuff you do in your script might be the culprit.

I cool trick is that if you enable InternetClient & InternetClientServer in Player Settings → Publishing Settings ->Capabilities you can connect unity’s profiler through and IP address to help track down these things in real time.

To connect the profiler select Active profiler and then

I hope this helps, let me know if you have further questions.

Thank you,

I don’t have any scripts on the camera. The rigidbodyfpscontroller is the default one that comes from Standard Assets.

That’s awesome about the profiler. I’ll check it out and see what I can find out.

I did what you did, and removed the rigidbodyfpscontroller entirely, but I still get the 30fps. If I look up, the framerate jumps back up to 60. Still investigating

I had to turn off all the colliders, then my framerate was up. Seems odd, that a single collider would cause that, but c’est la vie I suppose

There could be something wrong there, if you would like, you can file a bug report.