Do you recommend TexturePacker for Adobe Animate?

Hello, I am thinking of using Adobe Animate for animations and when transferring animations to Unity, it is explained in this video that it would be useful to use TexturePacker.

However, what I am not sure about is that the video was published 4 years ago. So a lot may have changed in 4 years. Is there still a need for this tool? Because I need to buy it to try it. Has anyone used it and would you recommend it?

Animation is still sound, but even four years ago you didn’t need TexturePacker, strictly speaking. Still a nice tool though, I worked with the dev over ten years ago. Perhaps the author has specific reasons to use TP though.

Unity has SpriteAtlas. You just drop in single files in a folder, then drop that folder onto the SpriteAtlas and Unity will generate and use the atlas texture automatically. So that part is “defunct”.

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