Dock for most used, or favourite nodes that we can just drag out to the graph without finder.

Whenever I right click on a graph, I always have to wait for the fuzzy finder to scan all the nodes and draw them. Then I have to click on the category. click again if there’s a subcategory, etc… It’s a complete waste of time.

I want to have a dock on the right side of the graph window where all the default nodes (things like Control, Events, Math, etc.) are, so I can just drag and drop an If or Add node instead of right click, wait 10 secs, click on Control, click on If, rinse and repeat and so on and so on.

Bonus if I can also add the favourite nodes I set, too.

That is all, for now.

Thank you.

Yes that fuzzy finder is a little slow. I think what you said would be good for common nodes which are used repeatedly. eg. Update, For, Add, etc.

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