Hello! I’m trying to dock the game window next to the scene window in code. I’m doing this through what ideally would look like:
EditorWindow gameWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow<UnityEditor.GameView>(typeof(UnityEditor.SceneView));
UnityEditor.SceneView exists, but GameView does not. The obvious solution seems to be to pass in a generic type, but I’ve tried reflection and it’s beyond me at this point. I have code to obtain the Game Window as an EditorWindow:
static EditorWindow GetMainGameView(){
//Creates a game window. Only works if there isn't one already.
System.Type T = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView,UnityEditor");
System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetMainGameView = T.GetMethod("GetMainGameView",System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
System.Object Res = GetMainGameView.Invoke(null,null);
return (EditorWindow)Res;
Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!