Documentation and Wiki

It is Demanded to create the some realize notes to every system, which will fixed the major changes in them (new features or changing features).
By example, the Loading system (at state “The Journey: Ep. 2 | Open Projects”) didn’t have the EditorInitializer prefab, but in the realize “The Journey: Ep. 3 | Open Projects” it exist. If you try to find - when it was changed and why, it will not simple - you can search the thread Scene Loading and find some not specific marked post @Amel-Unity .
Will be more conform, especially for new participant to look to some, by example, the “Scene Loading Notes”:
v.1.0: Initial realize

v.1.1: Added the the Prefab “EditorInitializer” ( post )
the “Working dialogue and cutscene systems Notes”:
v.1.0: Initial realize

v.1.1: improvement Cutscene/Dialogue System (PR)

Short note & link to PR or to the post in forum thread which described changes more detail.
In other case demanding to make search by all posts in thread (some of them is very big) or update “Documentation and Wiki” regular.
Based on it notes the “tech writer” can update and write Wiki (notes write that who make changes).
Notes files can store in separate files (on google doc? question with managing write access)
It can be special marked post in corresponding threads (Who made the changes, It takes the prev post, add new own part and make new post)
As other variant to do the post corresponding to change code more structured (some rules), At now it losting in threads.
P.S> Wiki Is Great!!!