Hi - it seems to be a common misconception that “fixing the docs” is a fairly easy task that no-one is bothering to do, and could be done relatively quickly if we just got on with it. Unfortunately this isn’t the case, and I’ll try to explain why.
The docs team are seven people, with five of us having joined the company this year.
There are approximately 1200 user manual pages, and 13,000 API reference pages.
Of these 13,000 API reference pages, about half have fewer than 100 characters of documentation. These are already on our list as pages requiring attention.
However the task of bringing all existing pages “up to scratch” is monumental in scale for a team our size. What I mean by “up to scratch” is that each page should have more than 100 characters of written explanation and at least one example script.
Communicating with the developers and double checking the exact meaning and usage of each API member when writing the docs is a time-consuming process on both sides (for both us and the developers - they are of course working on other things too), and so - realistically - if a docs team member were to focus on this task all day, I would estimate that they could fix between 2-4 pages per day. Some single pages can end up taking more than a day, but I’m going with 4 as an optimistic estimate.
However, going on this (highly optimistic) estimate of our whole team of seven, working all day, every day on this task, and fixing 4 pages per day (of the 6500 sub-100 character pages), it would take us 232 working days.
Given that there are only 261 working days per year, and we kind of have to let people have holidays, this is pretty much an entire year of 7 people working flat-out, using the most optimistic estimate of how fast we could get work done.
However - we can’t put all 7 people on this task because we have lots of other considerations. For example, it doesn’t take into account:
Having other team members proofreading the content (which is a vital part of our standard writing process).
The work involved in publishing the docs online, and ensuring it gets included in the installers for each version of Unity
Grafting improvements and fixes between versions of the manual (for example, if we make a fix in our “main” branch (currently based on 5.6) we have to make sure those changes are carried across correctly into the 5.5 manual and the 5.4 manual. Sometimes these pages differ between versions so grafting changes isn’t always straightforward.
And - of course - documenting all the new features coming to new versions of Unity during that entire year! (with 300 developers constantly making Unity do new stuff, that is a lot of work!)
In fact, documenting new features forms the vast majority of our work and takes priority, which is why attention to improving legacy documentation has to come in at a lower priority.
We do understand that under-documented pages like the one you highlighted are annoying, and we hope to be able to improve the situation, however the sheer scale of the problem is largely “hidden” because it’s difficult for an end-user to get a picture of just how many pages there are. We are hoping to further expand our team in the new year, and it may be that we can eventually have some people assigned to this full-time, however in the meantime we’re doing the best with what we currently have!