Is it just me or is all of the documentation that came with UnityiPhone 99.99999% the same as the one for the non-iPhone version. I found one page in the manual that talked about the iPhone and that’s it. Did I just miss something?
Edit: Found it… there just isn’t much of it that’s why its somewhat easy to not find it
If the documentation is mostly the same that means that Unity did an incridible job of implementing the full API on the iphone, right?
Also there is iphone material in Manual, Reference and Scripting sections of the docs:
grep -ir iphone /Applications/Unity\ iPhone/Documentation | wc -l
That’s the number of lines where the word iphone appears. The actual page count is less though.
There is that, and the fact that much of the documentation is not iPhone specific. There is all sorts of talk about terrains and such in the iPhone dev docs though you can’t use them.
The docs are probably just being updated at this point because these docs are just the basic docs plus some iPhone stuff.