Does anyone have a tattoo of the Unity logo?


The CEO does
 but he can’t show it in public.

I have a Unity shirt, but not a tattoo. :smile:

That’s not very committed.

I think a better question would be “does anyone have a birthmark shaped like the Unity logo?”
We are all waiting expectantly for the Unity Chosen One. :slight_smile:

Are you thinking of getting one, Jessy? :stuck_out_tongue:


And if you are the Unity chosen one you will have awesome Unity skill, and will be able to create awesome games really fast!

And maybe invent the mmo button button for all of the threads titled “how do i make a mmo”. :smile:

The chosen one will make an MMO for the FAITHFUL!

chosen one O.O :I :slight_smile: :smile: ooooh look a donut :smile:


My 3D models for Unity usually end up shaped like a birthmark. Does that count?

I had no clue there were even Unity shirts, I must receive one this instant!

@HTH_mrsnake, where would one get a Unity T-shirt??

I see you still haven’t found google

I found it at a thrift store! :stuck_out_tongue: I can’t imagine why anyone would donate it! :smile:

oh cool :smile:

If anyone has a tattoo of the Unity logo, it’ll be Higgy :stuck_out_tongue:

Use BING to find it! :smile:

I think you haven’t been getting enough sleep
take a vacation.

That’s strange, searching bing for google does not find the main site,
Well, can’t say I’m surprised, google finds things on micorosoft’s site that bing can’t

I have a Unity T-shirt!
Unity dudes sent me when i was beta testing Unity3.0. :smile: