Does anyone know if this game was built using Unity?

What you guys think?the sky looks shockingly similar to unity 3D games right?

if you forward to 1:46 you will see the scene with the daylight sky, it looks soooo much like
Unity 3D

the only problem is I am not seeing those vehicles on the Unity store like the ones parked at the side of the roads I am also not seeing the same vegetation. The female voice in the game I am not getting it on the unity store so I dunno.

But the clouds and the overall look of the game does indeed seem a lot like unity. What you guys think? This was a university undergrad project for a bsc in Computer Engineering by a student its a final year project

ok guys check this out!/content/10

and forward the video to 1:17

Its the 100% identical car, noway this could be coincidence right?

Looking at the UI at 1:40 I’m certain this was build in Unity…

Ow nice this is so wonderful. This means my school is pretty much ok with us using Unity for our projects.
Surprisingly that entire game the buildings that is, is the town of Arima in my country.

How the heck did that guy model the entire town? he has it done so well good grief I can easily say that entire environment of buildings and signs were custom work because I even took a drive over there last week and yup its identical to what you see in the game.

You guys think it took some decent programming skills etc for him to make that game with Unity?
do you guys think that is an impressive 3 year bsc undergrad final year project for computer engineering?

Just for my own curiosity though, would you consider that game to be impressive for a student of undergrad? is it on the level that you would normally find with students from colleges at North American colleges? with the exception of the modeling part, I honestly have no clue how much effort in programming it takes for someone to make something like that and how impressive the effort is. BUT I would love to know!!