Does anyone know what scripting involves?

Yesterday I was surfing through you tube looking for various tutorials. I came across a scripting tutorial where someone left the comment. "Nice grammar,lol (Drugs?) HaHa.

Over the night I thought about what the person was refering to. Then I realized that there is a war going on between programming scripters and those who are unfamiliar with the operation of a computer.

I will use the script below as an example:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class OperationsCommandModule : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
   if( Input.GetKey ( KeyCode.W)) {
		transform.position += transform.forward * 5.0f * Time.deltaTime;
	if( Input.GetKey ( KeyCode.A)) {
		transform.Rotate( 0.0f, -80.0f * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
	if( Input.GetKey ( KeyCode.D)) {
		transform.Rotate (0.0f, 80.0f * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);


The { } represents a container or a shell in which the logic of the script or water is contained basically a digital chip not much different than the chip in a computer that contains thousands of logic gates.

Each statement within the containers cause various actions similar to how an electrical circuit operates. In this example the if would be the prongs on an electrical cord that once the script line is plugged into Unity the electrical circuit is closed allowing an electrical current to pass between the prongs and the container or logic gate. The () represent a capacitor value where electrical energy is stored in a capacity so the function within the () can be repeated over and over again without creating an excessive load upon the if or prongs of the script. The if statement closes the pathway between the electrical current and the capacitor so that electricity can be stored basically saying to the computer that if the function within the () is called upon then electricity will be drawn from the capacitor to perform the function which in this case would be closing the path and opening a logic gate between the user pressing the W key which in this case once pressed based upon the scripting will close another path in the computer so that an electrical current is allowed to pass through another logic gate that creates the digital image of our cube moving forwad which is basically an electrical signal created in the form of a cube based upon other logic gates opening and closing to create the image of the cube. As the W key is pressed gates open and close so fast that cube is created without a light trail where millions of gates open and close in sequence that actually moves the cube from location A to location B.

What had me so pissed was the fact that the post was implying that because of how the script looked where the poster unfamiliar with even the slightest amount of knowledge assumed that the person had to be on drugs because the person writing the script did not follow the normal sentence creation learned in school.

The funny thing is that if the poster knew about logic gates call functions, if statements and other progamming language but more importantly even how a basic lightbulb worked based upon the principal of circuit paths opening and closing to create the end result the poster would most likely have received a Syntax Error message and would have not even posted what they did.

This is the problem with single byte processors they cannot layer and extract the sentence syntax of a script with being a digital reference to creating pathways in a computer that create a desired function.

This is what what separates moddelers, graphic artists, scripters, ect. from the old world and uneducated who can only merely write and talk…they are nothing more than a Copper Top.

So in closing make certain to learn how an electrical circuit works which will help you understand how your script is acutally working inside of the computer. But more importantly explain to those who assume that such coding in a script is not a mental condition or drug based delusion but merely creating a closed pathway for a function to work within a computer program.

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