Does anyone need a place to sell their game or game?

If anyone have a game ready for sale let me know and I will give you the info we are officially launching Oct. 1. 2014 and in the mean time you can send us a description of your game at this e mail address, it is not the official email address of course .

We will keep In contact and a couple weeks from now we will give you the website link where you can download the submission forms and requirements as for now email only the description of your game. do not send your games at this time . However before time of release we will only need a playable demo cover art work and the completed game.

I’m only trying to tell every Independent game developer that we have been in the process of starting a game distribution company and we are officially launching on Oct 1, 2014 .
You guys should know how difficult it is to sale a game furthermore anyone that can respect business should know that it takes a little time to get it right. we are not a scam and have no intentions to take advantage of anyone, You guys knows how hard it is to sale a game, there is little to no distribution for an Indie title we will make it easy for good games , Oct. 1, 2014 if you are skeptical just don’t submit or sign our contract, Just sit around and watch us grow.


What’s the catch? It’s plain odd that you wouldn’t just post it.


Sure should I give you all the source code and art assets or how are we going to do this?

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Because we are in the process of setting up our network and working on legal name clearence, We wanted to get a feel from the communitythere are submitting guide lines and we are officially launching Oct. 1. 2014 and in the mean time you can send us a description of your game of your game at this e mail address, but it is not the official
email address of course .

GREAT, no we do not need your source code, we only need a playable demo and the completed game. we are officially launching Oct. 1. 2014 and the mean time you can send us a description of your game at this e mail address, but it is not the officially email address of course . we will keep In contact and a couple weeks from now we will give you the website link where you can download the submission in the mean time email only the description of your game. GOOD LUCK.

That means you should have LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, some type of social media, or even a blog.

Honestly, yes. If your going to be doing something like this you need to link to a twitter, facebook, blog/website, etc. or else no one is going to believe you. Doesn’t help that you don’t have a email that related to your site (ex: and such). People want to see what there getting into (and if it’s a scam or not).

we are launching Oct 1, 2014 the official email is in the companies name we can not go public yet , this gives us a chance to see what games will be released Of course you are right but everyone will have to sign a contract we have a press campaign we will post every where when all legalities are done we have a web site I like your attitude thanks

Ok, so here is what you did wrong.

  1. You did not state what type of deal you are making with the sellers (not even what percentage off the gross value etc).
  2. You did not state who you are, why anyone should believe you, what terms, and so on.
  3. You did not link to anything that makes us believe that you are trustworthy, how would anyone here know that you are legit?
  4. What type of payment processing options do you have? Do you cover fraud? How do you handle chargebacks? These are all important questions, that if you gave ANY indication of being serious, and gave us any type of information about your service, we might have been able to read on your site.
  5. Presenting your product, without actually showing your product, what it’s named, or anything. AND expecting people to give you information, such as demos and full games!

I can go on and on, and these are just the first things that come to mind.
Now go away and come back when you have something to offer people, because as it stands right now you could just as well just be trying to score free games.

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Actually you have some good points , read the 1st post you would see that we are finishing up all legalities and we have strict submitting guidelines ,The Attorney has already drew a general contract , but each game will have it’s own points , everything that you addressed is surely answered already ,this is my un official post so relax I promise 1 one thing when the time comes the community will love it.

If you even haven’t prepared some basic principles yet, why bother with creating topics?

I responded to some questions , It’s called pre promotions and all details will be disclosed

With answers that are meaningless. Until you have something official to show, no one is likely to take you seriously.

Wanting to see if there’s interest in a service is a completely reasonable request, its not a confidence inspiring or compelling request, but I don’t think we need to jump down someones throat because they are not aware of the oversensitive and insecure tenor of these forums.


A reasonable request if the information provided was meaningful. Instead we’re being given some vague information with no links beyond an email that could be made in five minutes. This may very well be legit, but it could just as easily be a scam.

You mean realism, I think. It’s realistic in today’s world to be careful.

From my understanding people who “scam” tend to be tech savvy and good communicators, I’d say its just as likely a scam will have all the links and information people are expecting*.

The guy is asking for a bit of information, and eventually a game. There’s plenty of time between sending an email and sending a game for you to work out the details. I’ve no problem with Hippos post, but multiple posts getting more and more aggressive seems a bit too much for me.

  • John A
  • Anecdotally the only time I was ever “scammed” the person in question had an arrangement in place to license a reasonably popular arcade IP. Amongst other background checks I even contacted the license holder in Japan who confirmed the arrangement. In the end the titles kickstarter fell through and they never paid me.
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As mentioned above, I’ve no problem with your post :slight_smile: If it ended there that’s all well and good.

It just seems to me the tenor of these forums has gone from lets all help each other to lets patrol the forums looking for people who may be trying to get something free and when we find them lets all go in to lynch mob mode.


Me please! Would you like me to send you $1000 for administration costs? :)/

I completely agree with everything you have said.

I wish you all the best with your endeavor.