Does Cinemachine Support Rig Movements?

Can I use cinemachine to move the bones of a character and make an animation with it in the scene itself, or does it only accept pre-made animations?


Cinemachine is a camera animation, blending, control and priority system. It does a lot of stuff but when you really get down to it, it’s a camera animation system.

That said, you could animate bones with it but that would be rather… interesting. I have experimented with putting a character’s ROOT under a virtual camera to get the character to move around (really smoothly!) and it was kind of neat and kind of useless? Who knows, maybe that’s a good idea for something.

As for pre-made animations, Cinemachine is kind of the opposite of pre-made animations. The problem with pre-making animations is that when things change the animations often get broken or are no longer appropriate. Cinemachine does a lot of stuff to procedurally track/follow/deal with variable scenarios. That’s probably it’s biggest point.

Imagine making a cutscene with a pile of cameras, then changing animations on the characters - and the cameras still figure it out and get great shots ! With pre-made camera animations you’d probably have problems. With Cinemachine you give the cameras a little direction and they figure out the shots even if things change.

Did that help? I’m not sure I totally understand your question

cinemachine for cameras… Interesting… Got it. Correct me if I’m mistaken but about the bone animation (for the scene, in other words, considering the movement is being done at the time, only for the scene and I have none .anim file of it to use) that new timeline could help me, is that it? And other thing, this new timeline can use the pre-made animation (the .anim files in the case, simple stuff, like a walking animation, jumping, in mind that it’s for making cutscenes for a game, so I’d have those kind of anim that would be usefull at some point)?

@FGPArthurVII I think you’re confusing cinemachine with timeline. Cinemachine is a camera system, and Timeline is the visual timeline where you can drag and drop to direct sequences. You can include Cinemachine tracks in the timeline to control cameras though.

Timeline has its own forum.

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Got It thanks Everyone