Does anyone know if it is possible to cancel the (phone) service plan after 30 days and continue to use the iphone as a development/gaming platform?
You could use an iPod Touch instead. However, you will be missing a few things such as the microphone. I’m fairly certain I remember reading somewhere that you must have a valid service plan to develop for the phone.
I don’t think you need an active service plan to develop. I keep an unactivated first generation iPhone around for most of my testing. It works fine with XCode.
I just purchased a used 1st gen iPhone with no SIM card for testing. It has no service plan. When I plug it in to Itunes (either with no SIM card or the SIM card from my activated 3G) Itunes wants to go through the activation process. How do you get around this and still use it for testing?
I’ve been doing this for over a year and it works just fine. All you have to do is skip the activation pop-up that happens when you power on the device. If you don’t turn it on and off you won’t even have to do that.
I have a 1st Gen phone that was reset [reset all content and settings] and XCode says that it can not be used for development because it is not activated.
I plug it into iTunes and that’s where I get confused…
Does anyone know what steps I need to take to ‘activate’ the phone only for development?