Does Netcode for GameObjects support for cross-project connection?

I am currently migrating an old project (which used Unity 2017.1.1 before) to Unity 2021. In the project, there is one function that it will connect to a LAN server (an app from a different Unity project, through UNET), and the LAN server will send messages in JSON text to command each device connected to carry what action. When I tried to migrate it using Netcode for GameObjects, I made a message handler which will send unnamed message for both client and server and put them on a NetworkObject prefab. The server used StartHost() (so the object will be spawned) and the client connected by using StartClient(). However, when I tested it, the client doesn’t seem to connect and there was no object spawned (for the server, the object did spawn though). My question is, does Netcode for GameObjects support this kind of cross-project connection? Or was I just missing something?

Sorry but can anyone at least tell me if cross-project/multi-project connection is possible or not? I really need an answer.

Why am I getting ignored? I just want an answer…

Stuck with the same problem

Depending on the detla between the runtimes you may not be able to retain compatibility.