does not implement interface member System Icomparable

I have this code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;

public class Hablar_con_Inteligencia_4 : MonoBehaviour
bool choque;
bool sabio_Pregunta = true;
public AudioClip cancion ;
AudioSource audio;

public InputField usuario_dice;
int sabio_dice;
int x;
int cc = 0;

Charla [] hablando = new Charla[64];

List <QueEncontre> qe;

public class Charla : MonoBehaviour
	public string tg;
	public int sabio_responde;
	public Charla (string jugador_dijo, int sabio_respondera) // constructor
		tg = jugador_dijo;
		sabio_responde = sabio_respondera;
}// end class Charla

public class QueEncontre : IComparable <QueEncontre>
	public int registro;
	public int coincidencias;
	public QueEncontre( int pos, int c)
		registro = pos;
		coincidencias = c;

Have erre CS0535 does not implement interface member System Icomparable.

I Not found documentation about this.

IComparable is a compare interface. If you put this interface you need to implement it. As I can see your script. At ‘QueEncontre’ class you need to add this function

public int CompareTo(QueEncontre other)
     return registro.CompareTo(other.registro);

This will compare “registro” variable.

PS: You can change “registro” to anything else on that class. If you don’t want to compare “registro”

Thank Toon_Werawat.