Does Object scale effect frame rate?

I was curious, does the size of quads effect framerate? we’re working on a 2D game (just started) and we’re changing how the scenes are build. Typically we would proportionally build the quads to match the dimensions of the images that reside on them divided by 100. For instance if we had a 1024 image on a quad the quad would have a width of 10.24.

But for simplicity sake, would it hurt to make the quad 1024 wide? Are there any ill effect at runtime with scenes that are large like that even of the camera never moves from the origin?


size is always an issue. size of object, size of script, size of scene.
The smaller the better as a rule of thumb. However, that does not mean, what you want to be done cant.

Just try it!

If the camera never moves from the origin, it might be OK. If you start panning thousands of units to the sides, there is a soft limit of 100,000 or so - check the 3.5 release docs, there’s a new warning that was added to the editor about loss of floating point precision past certain bounds.

Also, IIRC if you are doing skeletal animation, having a non-unit scale on your root node can affect your framerate.

If the quads are transparent, then all that matters is how many pixels they’re taking up. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10.24, but the camera is zoomed in, or 1024 but the camera is zoomed out. If they’re taking up the same number of pixels, then it shouldn’t make much (if any) of a difference.