Does PolygonCollider2D.OverlapPoint() perform differently in Unity player than an Android device?

I’m checking to see if a point is within a run-time generated PolygonCollider2D on a run-time generated Sprite and am using OverlapPoint(point) to check this. I get the exact expected behavior on the Unity player, but when compiled into an APK and loaded on my Android phone, OverlapPoint(point) returns true in what looks to be like a BoxCollider2D around the Sprite. The Sprite is a leaf and not a box.

Behavior on Unity Player:57537-spritecolliderthing.png

Behavior on Android device:

Anyone have any idea what’s going on? I’m lost!


p.s. yes it’s the most updated freshly-compiled apk


After hours and hours of scouring the web and piecing everything together I was able to figure out the problem: PolygonCollider2D is more inaccurate when created and scaled at runtime on a device

I was creating a new Sprite each time, and adding a PolygonCollider2D to it, which worked fine in the editor. However it does not work fine on my mobile device, generating a generally much larger collider.

###I call this fix The Angry PolygonCollider Bandaid:

  1. Force the PolygonCollider2D to be generated by the Unity Editor

&nbsp&nbsp&nbspDrag your image onto the object hierarchy to create a new Sprite. Scale the Sprite at (0,0,0) from within the inspector. Click ‘Add Component’ and add a PolygonCollider2D.

  1. Clone the created Sprite that has the Unity Editor generated PolygonCollider2D

&nbsp&nbsp&nbspCreate a public reference to your Sprite from within your script, along the lines of public GameObject prerenderedSprite;. Drag your Sprite from the inspector onto the prerenderedSprite variable of your script.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbspClone the object by GameObject clonedSprite = Instantiate(prerenderedSprite);

  1. Scale the new sprite to your liking

&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNow that you have your sprite, you can scale it dynamically without fear of an inaccurate PolygonCollider2D.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp clonedSprite.transform.localScale = new Vector2(scaleX, scaleY);

Your sprite will be just as accurate as it is in the Unity Edtior.