This might be a very simple and a very stupid question: Does the Quality Setting remain between scenes, if I change it through an options menu in the beginning of the game?
if(GUI.Button(Rect (10,75,100,20),"Low"))
QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fastest;
if(GUI.Button(Rect (150,75,100,20),"Medium"))
QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Good;
if(GUI.Button(Rect (290,75,100,20),"Highest"))
QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fantastic;
I couldn’t find this anywhere. Does the setting I choose remain through all scenes, or do I have to set it as a static variable or something?
And a little extra question when talking about static variables : Do you know any good tutorials about them? Or any existing questions here where I could get a little info of 'em?
Thanks in advance!