I have been been porting a game from Unity to Unity iphone. So far everything works. I have set a Player pref on the Unity with a save/continue features that works well. When I do this same thing on iphone, it doesn’t seem to work. The only part of the code that’s changed from unity to unity iphone is actually touching the menu to save instead of clicking on it with a mouse. Will this have something to do with the simulator?
with simulator you mean the remote?
if so only if you touch too shortly or if the code is incorrect (there is no OnMouseOver on iphone for example)
but it might be that the touch works and you just store it to a place not accessable at all on the iphone
I actually mean an iphone SDK simulator. I have checked the buttons with a different script and it works fine. The touch commands must be working. The only thing difference from unity iphone to unity was the touch buttons, everything else is the same. 
where does data usually get stored on Unity compared to the iphone version?
depending on how you store it. playerprefs work on any platform.
but System.IO on the iphone must be directed to the 2 folders per app you are allowed to write to at all or will just fail and crash (with corresponding error in the gdb console in xcode
hmmmm I dont seem to be getting any errors, I have gone back to normal unity (working version) and literally taken the code and put in the iphone version with a touch GUI texture script instead of a On mouse clicking script.
When you say PlayerPrefs on any platform, does that mean the code wouldn’t need to be changed?
ps. thanks for your help