Does scaling with the scaling tool gives proper size/physics?

I've read the manual material on the rigidbodys and the importance of scale(I asked a similar question a few days ago, but this one is somewhat different). There said that the best way to maintain scale is to model in proper scale, the second way is to remport the model. Ok, if the first way is impossible now. The second one is too time consuming becouse the model consists of lots of objects. Will it be ok with the physics simulations if I just scale the model with the scaling transform in Unity, taking the cube as a unit of measurment. So, for example, I need the model to be 10 meters. I create a cube with scale 1-1-10 and just scale the model to 10 "cubic" units, no matter how small or big it is before scaling. Or if it will ruin physics if I just reimport the parts of model that take part in the simulation will it be ok this way?

It's usually ok, but there are some times when it really screws up. The most hilarious example I've seen is a vehicle script which makes the wheels explode off the car if you even remotely touch the scale

My advice would be to backup the project, scale, then test rigorously