Does .SetActive work with components?

Wondering if I can use .SetActive to iterate through a GameObject and it’s children to enable/disable that part of all of them.

Otherwise, I’ll stick to GetComponentsInChildren.

If not, this would be a damn cool feature.

This might help:

using UnityEngine;

public static class EnableHelper
      public static void EnableChildren(this Component component, System.Func<Component, bool> predicate, bool enabled = true)
            foreach(var c in component.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>(true))
                 c.enabled = enabled;
            foreach(var c in component.GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>(true))
                 c.isKinematic = !enabled;
            foreach(var c in component.GetComponentsInChildren<Behaviour>(true))
                  c.enabled = enabled;

      public static void EnableChildren(this Component component, bool enabled = true)
           component.EnableChildren((a)=>true, enabled);

      public static void EnableChildren(this GameObject go, bool enabled = true)
         go.transform.EnableChildren((a)=>true, enabled);

      public static void EnableChildren(this GameObject go, System.Func<Component, bool> predicate, bool enabled = true)
          go.transform.EnableChildren(predicate, enabled);


Then you can just do:


