I have submitted several emails, one for a refund on a asset purchase that doesn’t work at all, and zero responses, this is over a course of a month, is there no Avenue anymore for communication with Unity? I used the web form to submit the questions and the refund per Unity instructions, but literally no email responses, it is like they either do not get those emails or they block it or ignore it, what gives? When you follow the correct path to communicate and get ignored, what is the next path?
Are you a paying customer? I downgraded from Pro to personal and magically my bug reports get no response anymore
Yes I am a paying customer with Pro license. I submitted 2 bug crash reports back in March and June, never got responses for those either, so no tickets get answers and no bug reports get answers, granted it has only been 9 months since the first bug report submitted and only a day or 2 since I submitted a request for refund, but zero emails? Nothing in spam and I do not block emails from Unity.
Strange when I was a pro user they always got back to me quick. I made sure to make good repro projects for them though
Might be reproduction issues. If their QA looks at it and is unable to reproduce, and they aren’t getting similar reports, the issue may just sit until they have time to investigate it further or stumble upon more information.
Yepp, but I have made good repor project also after I went personal without response so they surly have a prio system in place. not the case here though since he is pro
I think it was said they prioritize pro bug reports because a higher percentage of those are actionable.
I’ve had action and communication on bug reports from both pro and personal accounts. The two most helpful and extended bits of support I’ve had both happen to have come from a personal account. The response time varies quite a bit, though, and some issues never get a response, including some I sent from a pro account.
There may well be prioritisation in place, but it certainly doesn’t rule out getting a response from a personal account, or rule in getting one from a pro account. From what I can tell anecdotally it mostly seems to be about what your issue is. I’ve had two or three email responses with follow up communications in the recent past, all from a personal account project, and all about crash bugs.
Interesting we have never not gotten a response while we were pro.
A heck of a lot of what I report I wouldn’t expect a response. I think that 100% of my actual support requests have got responses, regardless of what license was involved with the project.
Why report something you do not expect a response on
Well I would expect some response from support, mainly because I am a paying customer, at minimum a response letting me know what they intend to do, more so about refunds, there is no convenient way to request one, I have only ever requested one refund, literally, in my lifetime of being a unity customer, now I am not sure if they will grant it, did they receive the request, or anything plus they do not have a phone number that I can find to call. If your not going to refund, just say so, not a hard email to send is it? The bugs I don’t care if they fix or not, that’s their choice, priority and all that, but no customer responses? I kind if find that irresponsible honestly. We are all people and some paying for there products.
Well, slapped in the face, i posted the problem i sent in a bug report on 9 months ago, asking if the community had a solution to a unity engine error i get that i have reported to Unity with zero response, and my thread was deleted as “wrong forum” so that answered if Unity is reviewing the threads. so ya, not sure how to take that, i have a problem Unity support doesn’t answer the problem, Unity forums deletes the question because it was about a bug i can’t get a response from Unity about at all, so now what? any suggestions? send in bug reports, zero response over 9 months and forums mods delete the post… I get i should send in a bug report, i did that, but zero response, so i post here what do i do about it and mods delete it, so what is that stating? what is the “right forum” for a bug/issue that i get zero response from Unity on? i am just trying to figure out the right support structure.
What was the error and what forum did you post it in? I might be able to point you to the correct subforum at least.
Because not everything is about me, and Unity can’t fix a thing they don’t know is broken.
To clarify, forum moderation is done almost entirely by a few volunteer community moderators. Actual Unity staff don’t see most threads.
That also means that you’re treated by most moderators as fellow developers rather than as customers, which is… quite different from the experience I expect from customer support.
Oh i know why they have forum moderators, which is good, they don’t have the time to police the forums etc, but I simply needed to know from the community if they had the same problem i had and if they found a solution to that problem, because support after 9 months has not responded to my support ticket which i agree is the right place to have the problem sent to, but sending it in with no response at all is problematic, that’s all, even a note through email saying we know about this defect, and will either care, or not care, and if someone in the community knows of a fix, i would rather the community answer also, but to have a moderator nuke the post… well, it was there judgement call, the question was simple and it has been posted to the bug report with zero response, and if i post the question here in this thread, the moderator will likely simply delete this whole thread, not really helpful but again, there call, not mine, there is an engine issue, has to do with m_value that they have in the GUI in the engine itself, in a class call, that is serialized more than one time which isn’t allowed and throws the error, kills the build process.
The moderators here are reasonable. I am sure that you have just made an honest mistake and posted it in the wrong area or something.
You could post the gist of the problem you are having here, and I am sure I or someone else could point you in the right direction.
Topics that are in the wrong forum are typically deleted if there are no useful responses. The solution to that is very simply to post correctly in the first place. Every forum has a description, read them and ensure you posting correctly, otherwise they will be deleted if seen or reported.
It is important to understand that this is a community forum, it is not a conduit to dev staff. While that may happen from time to time, it is a bonus, not a guarantee. Further, the staff that very kindly take the time to help out, typically roam around in the forums related to their area of engine (not always, but usually). So AGAIN, if you post your concern in the proper forum, you will not only avoid getting it deleted, but also significantly increase the chances that some with knowledge in that area will see it, and potentially staff that specialize in that area as well.
As for support, I have never seen a response on crash report. I wouldn’t expect one though, I assume those are general data collection from support. Bug reports are going to be hit or miss depending on what they are. If they are known issues or not clearly defined or are user error, I wouldn’t expect an answer. As noted above, make sure you provide a repro project, it is key to getting a good response. There is also premium support if it is not an engine bug.
The key to getting successful support it to use the tools effectively. Clear bug reports with a repro. Posing properly and clearly in the forums.
No, but the post would be deleted. (we don’t delete threads where there are responses). It would be deleted because it would be off-topic, the topic of this thread is support contacts. Post your question in the proper forum, and you’ll likely get some response.
Those make take a few days, I would give it 5 working days, then follow up again. Have you contacted the author first? Typically the refund process is that you to contact the asset developer and ask for a refund. If the developer refuses, then follow up with Unity, they may consider it. But it may take a while to sort out.
Well my other thread which is part of this whole communication problem that was simply deleted pertained to:
Untiy Build Error: UnityEngine.GUIUtility: ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
I get that error when building and it tells me there are items serialized more than one time in the UnityEngine.GUIUtility class, its a hit or miss, but when it happens my 46 minute build time doesn’t fail until the entire thing is done trying to build, i had all the details in the deleted post. I submitted clear bug reports 9 months ago on it, never got a response, so i was asking in the community if anyone else has ran across the same problem and had a solution, my work around for 9 months is to literally keep rebuilding until it doesn’t trigger/happen. has nothing to do with my code, i could get this error on an empty project with 1 scene and build. But i know Unity developers are busy working on newer features etc, and a class in one of there classes in the engine having multiple serialized properties, isn’t probably a priority.
Yes, i have contacted the developer of the asset and been in contact, maybe i will get the problem resolved with the developer before they get around to discussion with me about the refund.