Does the camera's target display work based on display settings in Unity?

i’m creating a game that uses three monitors.

The central monitor is the main monitor (number 1),
The monitor on the right is number 2,
The monitor on the left is number 3.

After created three cameras in unity
Camera [Front] Target Display - Display 1
Camera [Right] Target Display - Display 2
Camera [Left] Target Display - Display 3
I have written a code to activate all monitors after specifying as .

Camera [Right] Background - Green
Camera [Left] Background - Blue
When set to , the expected result is
Green on the right monitor
Blue on the left monitor

But actual output is
Blue on the right monitor
Green on the left monitor.

  1. Why do you get this result?
  2. Does the target display on the unity camera work regardless of the window display settings?

Im guessing something got lost as “.” And “,” as something dont make sense

Sadly i dont have any answers. Ive not tried forcing things on different monitors

All monitors are activated in the ComTest class.

public class ComTest : MonoBehaviour
        private void Awake()
            int length = Display.displays.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Display display = Display.displays[i];

I just want the Camera’s Target Display to be output in the order of the monitor.